B-goods shop

Rescue imperfect natural cosmetics!

Sale of B-goods

Limited quantities - while stocks last!

Set an example for the environment and help save imperfect products from going to waste!

Empty collection

This collection does not contain any products.


The official best-before date is Jan/Feb 24, after which we are officially no longer allowed to sell it. We have carried out a laboratory test for the Body Butter Lavender (Tattoo Balm) and are legally allowed to declare the products until August 24. This shows that the products have a shelf life of approx. 6 months, if not longer.

Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (MHD): Dieses Datum gibt an, bis wann das Produkt unter optimalen Lagerbedingungen seine besten Eigenschaften behält. Nach Ablauf des MHD kann das Produkt noch verwendet werden, jedoch könnten seine Qualität und Wirksamkeit nachlassen.

Verbrauchsdatum: Dieses Datum zeigt an, bis wann das Produkt sicher verwendet werden kann. Nach Ablauf des Verbrauchsdatums sollte das Produkt nicht mehr benutzt werden, da es dann gesundheitsschädlich sein könnte.

Allgemein kann man jedoch sagen:

  • Lagerbedingungen: Wenn die Body Butter kühl, dunkel und trocken gelagert wird, kann sie oft mehrere Monate bis zu einem Jahr über das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum hinaus sicher verwendet werden.

Yes, you can use the body butter on your face. You can find out how to do this in this video.

Then you can return it to us within 30 days of receipt and we will refund the amount. You can find everything you need to know here in our returns policy. 📩

It is very important to us that you have the opportunity to find out whether the products and your skin get along well!

How did this B-goods come about?

Welcome to my world of young female entrepreneurs 😉 Means: try it out, leave it as it is, adapt, fall down, get up, move on... I was able to place SHEA YEAH in the wholesale trade in Germany via the TV programme "Höhle der Löwen". What initially appeared to be an opportunity quickly turned out to be the wrong path for me. It simply didn't match my philosophy. This resulted in several thousand returns, among other things. Damaged and with a short best-before date.

Trip to the wholesale trade

Returns from the wholesale 🫢