"With SHEA YEAH, I am building a bridge between time-honoured plant traditions that are cultivated by women - in Ghana and Switzerland."

A beneficial raw material
Shea butter, which has been popular for centuries, shows amazing nourishing and protective properties. It makes the skin supple, binds moisture to the epidermis and thus prevents it from drying out. Shea butter is known to penetrate deep into the skin and give it a natural glow.Due to its many positive properties, it is used in many care products such as lotions, creams, lip balms & Co. It is a true all-rounder and is used not only in cosmetics but also in the food industry.

A beneficial raw material
Shea butter, which has been popular for centuries, shows amazing nourishing and protective properties. It makes the skin supple, binds moisture to the epidermis and thus prevents it from drying out. Shea butter is known to penetrate deep into the skin and give it a natural glow.Due to its many positive properties, it is used in many care products such as lotions, creams, lip balms & Co. It is a true all-rounder and is used not only in cosmetics but also in the food industry.

The origin
The natural occurrence of the shea tree is from West Africa to the Upper Nile region, i.e. in about 21 countries of the Sahel zone. The main producing countries of shea butter, also called shea butter or beurre de karité, are Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Benin and Burkina Faso. The shea tree is a characteristic tree of the savannah woodland. We at SHEA YEA source the shea butter from the north of Ghana.

The origin
The natural occurrence of the shea tree is from West Africa to the Upper Nile region, i.e. in about 21 countries of the Sahel zone. The main producing countries of shea butter, also called shea butter or beurre de karité, are Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Benin and Burkina Faso. The shea tree is a characteristic tree of the savannah woodland. We at SHEA YEA source the shea butter from the north of Ghana.

Shea Butter Traditionally Made
Many women in the rural village communities of northern Ghana have mastered a true art form of a craft: that of the traditional processing of shea kernels into unrefined shea butter. This process takes several days and is carefully done by hand. For generations, this knowledge has been passed down among the women and maintained in this way. This is a parallel to what happens with the knowledge of herbs in Switzerland.

Shea Butter Traditionally Made
Many women in the rural village communities of northern Ghana have mastered a true art form of a craft: that of the traditional processing of shea kernels into unrefined shea butter. This process takes several days and is carefully done by hand. For generations, this knowledge has been passed down among the women and maintained in this way. This is a parallel to what happens with the knowledge of herbs in Switzerland.

The cooperative
The women who work in the processing centres (we only work with handmade material) are organised in cooperatives. These cooperatives are independent and very democratic with a board of directors elected by the members. The cooperatives pay the workers transparently and equally based on the quantities produced. Our local partner on the ground pays the cooperatives and they pay their members and cover their costs. The organic shea butter is also Fair For Life certified and audited every year. We are also a member of the Global Shea Alliance, based in Accra, Ghana.

The cooperative
The women who work in the processing centres (we only work with handmade material) are organised in cooperatives. These cooperatives are independent and very democratic with a board of directors elected by the members. The cooperatives pay the workers transparently and equally based on the quantities produced. Our local partner on the ground pays the cooperatives and they pay their members and cover their costs. The organic shea butter is also Fair For Life certified and audited every year. We are also a member of the Global Shea Alliance, based in Accra, Ghana.

The difference
The quality of shea butter, similar to the production of a wine or olive oil, varies depending on the origin and processing method. Therefore, there are significant differences in quality from shea butter to shea butter. We focus especially on unrefined, pure shea butter and also ensure the high quality of our products with other factors:
- Traditional production
- Bio-certified
- Laboratory tested
- Direct local contacts
- Membership of the Global Shea Alliance (GSA) to promote the sustainability (social, ecological and economic) of the shea industry.

The difference
The quality of shea butter, similar to the production of a wine or olive oil, varies depending on the origin and processing method. Therefore, there are significant differences in quality from shea butter to shea butter. We focus especially on unrefined, pure shea butter and also ensure the high quality of our products with other factors:
- Traditional production
- Bio-certified
- Laboratory tested
- Direct local contacts
- Membership of the Global Shea Alliance (GSA) to promote the sustainability (social, ecological and economic) of the shea industry.

Sustainable cycle
SHEA YEAH tries to use the environment's resources sparingly wherever possible, and our partners also support this. Therefore, for example, the by-products of production are recycled into fuel & feed using a traditional system. The fuel, in turn, is then used instead of wood for production. This creates a natural utilisation cycle that benefits the environment.

Sustainable cycle
SHEA YEAH tries to use the environment's resources sparingly wherever possible, and our partners also support this. Therefore, for example, the by-products of production are recycled into fuel & feed using a traditional system. The fuel, in turn, is then used instead of wood for production. This creates a natural utilisation cycle that benefits the environment.

FAQ zu Sheabutter
Unraffinierte Sheabutter ist eine wertvolle Pflanzenbutter mit Vitaminen A und C sowie natürlichen Antioxidantien. Sie spendet der Haut reichhaltige Nährstoffe, fördert die Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung, repariert und pflegt sie, schützt sie und verleiht ihr einen gesunden Glanz.
Dank ihrer vielseitig positiven Eigenschaften gilt sie als Allrounder für alle Hauttypen und kann von Kopf bis Fuss verwendet werden. Ihre gute Verträglichkeit macht sie auch für Kinder und Schwangere geeignet.
Sheabutter kann entweder pur angewendet werden (siehe pure Sheabutter), in Kosmetikmischungen (siehe unser Sortiment) oder als Rohstoff zur Herstellung eigener Kosmetikprodukte (siehe unser DIY-Blog).
Viel! Erfahre hier mehr über den Unterschied zwischen raffinierter und unraffinierter Sheabutter.
Unsere Sheabutter ist immer unraffiniert. Sprich schonend traditionell hergestellt und dadurch voller Vitaminen für Deine Haut.
Unraffinierte Sheabutter hat einen charakteristischen Geruch aufgrund der traditionellen Herstellung. Spannend ist, dass dieser je nach Erntejahr leicht variiert.
Grundsätzlich kann der Eigenduft als leicht rauchig, nussig und erdig beschrieben werden. Das leicht rauchige kommt davon, dass die Nüsse für die natürliche Extraktion geröstet werden.
Es gibt auch Sheabutter, die sehr unangenehm riechen, dies kann auf eine schlechte Qualität hinweisen (bsp. unsauberes Wasser bei der Herstellung, falsche Lagerung & Co.). Es empfiehlt sich daher immer geprüfte Sheabutter zu kaufen!
Sheabutter ist von Natur aus hart. Je wärmer es ist, desto weicher wird sie.
Wir haben die Body Butter kreiert, diese sind weicher als pure Sheabutter und etwas "Anwender:innen-freundlicher". Dennoch ist die Rohform Sheabutter sehr beliebt da es nur 1 einzige Zutat hat.
Sheabutter hat eine sehr lange, natürliche Haltbarkeit von um die 2 Jahre. Wenn Du eine Sheabutter kaufst, so achte Dich auf die Infos auf der Produktdetailseite (Onlineshop) oder Etikette (im Laden).
Sheabutter Ressourcen
-> Ecocert Greenlife Zertifizierung SHEA YEAH
(updated 01/24)
-> MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
--> kontaktiere uns für die Dokumente oder erhalte sie automatisch bei der Bestellung von pure Sheabutter 5kg+
-> Zusammenstellung von Studien zu Sheabutter
--> kontaktiere uns für den Link