About us

The story

We rethink time-honoured traditions

Sandra, the founder of SHEA YEAH, became fascinated with the production of ointments, balms and oil extracts through her training as a farmer's wife in a Swiss convent. There, it was customary to make one's own creams and the like for everyday use with the help of numerous Swiss herbs. These natural cosmetic recipes according to old traditions were very appealing to her sensitive skin and from then on she mixed her own cosmetics.

Sandra, the founder of SHEA YEAH, became fascinated with the production of ointments, balms and oil extracts through her training as a farmer's wife in a Swiss convent. There, it was customary to make one's own creams and the like for everyday use with the help of numerous Swiss herbs. These natural cosmetic recipes according to old traditions were very appealing to her sensitive skin and from then on she mixed her own cosmetics.

The idea to combine Swiss herbs with shea butter came to her during her stay in Ghana, when she experienced the soothing effect on her own body after a sunburn. She then integrated shea butter into her previous formulas and was thrilled with the results. Since then, she has been creating long-lasting nourishing natural cosmetic products by fusing Ghanaian shea butter and Swiss herbs.

The idea to combine Swiss herbs with shea butter came to her during her stay in Ghana, when she experienced the soothing effect on her own body after a sunburn. She then integrated shea butter into her previous formulas and was thrilled with the results. Since then, she has been creating long-lasting nourishing natural cosmetic products by fusing Ghanaian shea butter and Swiss herbs.

"The recipes of my products are based on traditional knowledge in dealing with the treasures of nature - from Switzerland to Ghana".

Sandra, Founder SHEA YEAH

The founder

I was born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland. After school and a commercial apprenticeship, I packed my bags to discover the wide world. Fascinated by the encounter with circus artists, I earned my living as a street performer from then on. Back in Switzerland, I worked as a trainer in a children's circus and also performed there as a variety artist. I spent the winter months in the mountains - on the ski slopes during the day and in a hotel where I worked at night.

I was born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland. After school and a commercial apprenticeship, I packed my bags to discover the wide world. Fascinated by the encounter with circus artists, I earned my living as a street performer from then on. Back in Switzerland, I worked as a trainer in a children's circus and also performed there as a variety artist. I spent the winter months in the mountains - on the ski slopes during the day and in a hotel where I worked at night.

Later, I trained as a farmer's wife in a women's convent, worked in various fields and then learned the online business from scratch at a web design agency. When I moved to the communications department of an international non-profit organisation, I started to build up SHEA YEAH on the side.

Later, I trained as a farmer's wife in a women's convent, worked in various fields and then learned the online business from scratch at a web design agency. When I moved to the communications department of an international non-profit organisation, I started to build up SHEA YEAH on the side.

In addition to my existing knowledge, I trained as a natural cosmetician while working. After four years at SHEA YEAH as a part-time job, I ventured into self-employment in 2020. Today I can say that I am glad I took this step. My various professional experiences are now perfectly combined in my everyday work. Who would have thought that :)

In addition to my existing knowledge, I trained as a natural cosmetician while working. After four years at SHEA YEAH as a part-time job, I ventured into self-employment in 2020. Today I can say that I am glad I took this step. My various professional experiences are now perfectly combined in my everyday work. Who would have thought that :)


Less is more - water-free natural cosmetics

Good old marigold and comfrey ointments, mixed according to old recipes by our mothers and grandmothers, were always without water. Today, this so-called "waterless beauty principle" is experiencing a new upswing worldwide - and rightly so, because waterless cosmetics have many advantages for people and the environment. Learn more about it in our blog.

Focus on the ingredients

Wherever possible, we use organically grown, wild and natural ingredients. Our shea butter is unrefined and comes from controlled organic cultivation. The herbs come 100% from Switzerland and are tried and tested. Vegetable oils are also used cold-pressed whenever possible. Only the most essential ingredients are used in our formulas to make your skin radiant.

Wherever possible, we use organically grown, wild and natural ingredients. Our shea butter is unrefined and comes from controlled organic cultivation. The herbs come 100% from Switzerland and are tried and tested. Vegetable oils are also used cold-pressed whenever possible. Only the most essential ingredients are used in our formulas to make your skin radiant.

With the shea butter and the herbs, we go directly back to the origin of the plants: to Ghana and Switzerland. In both places, valuable knowledge about plants has been cultivated and preserved for generations. With the best from both countries, we create care products for a whole new skin feeling.

With the shea butter and the herbs, we go directly back to the origin of the plants: to Ghana and Switzerland. In both places, valuable knowledge about plants has been cultivated and preserved for generations. With the best from both countries, we create care products for a whole new skin feeling.

"It pays to follow your intuition and go your own way. It's not always easy, because you're constantly leaving your comfort zone and that's quite exhausting."

Sandra, Founder SHEA YEAH

For a conscious approach in production

For us, working with suitable partners who share our philosophy is the most important ingredient for honest business. That is why we work with a production partner who cares as much about sustainable action as we do. As an innovator, developer and manufacturer of high-quality (natural) cosmetics, the company has been balancing its CO2 emissions since 2016, among other things, and has been reducing emissions ever since. The topic of diversity is also actively addressed and always present in the company.

For us, working with suitable partners who share our philosophy is the most important ingredient for honest business. That is why we work with a production partner who cares as much about sustainable action as we do. As an innovator, developer and manufacturer of high-quality (natural) cosmetics, the company has been balancing its CO2 emissions since 2016, among other things, and has been reducing emissions ever since. The topic of diversity is also actively addressed and always present in the company.

The high level of internal awareness regarding sustainability ensures a conscious focus on the manufacturing of products among the employees. For example, it has been possible to significantly reduce the amount of waste produced during production. The investment in resource-efficient production technology also enables material and energy savings.

The high level of internal awareness regarding sustainability ensures a conscious focus on the manufacturing of products among the employees. For example, it has been possible to significantly reduce the amount of waste produced during production. The investment in resource-efficient production technology also enables material and energy savings.

By the end of 2023, all of our partner's activities are to be climate-neutral. The CO2 emissions that cannot be avoided will be neutralised through appropriate compensation. We are proud to have such a conscious partner at our side and to constantly improve together with them.

By the end of 2023, all of our partner's activities are to be climate-neutral. The CO2 emissions that cannot be avoided will be neutralised through appropriate compensation. We are proud to have such a conscious partner at our side and to constantly improve together with them.