I like to say that all my money is on my face. Of course, that's a complete exaggeration, but it does have a kernel of truth: of all the body care and self-care rituals, I value my face the most and probably find it the most important.
The face is always visible (which also explains the etymology) and must not only withstand wind, weather and other environmental influences, but also life itself. We laugh, we cry, we kiss and we frown. Sometimes we have no choice but to drop our heads face-first into our hands - in despair, sadness, shame or joy. The face is the scene of all the emotions that life has in store for us and we should look after it (and therefore our being as a whole!) particularly well.
How to use on the face
The SHEA YEAH products are deliberately designed for all skin types (more on skin types!) and contain very few ingredients. They are anhydrous and therefore highly concentrated and extremely effective. So the following applies:
- A little goes a long way! It is better to start small and gradually apply more if necessary.
- It is important that the butter is applied to damp skin. This forms an emulsion and the skin can better absorb both moisture and the active ingredients.
- Then apply the butter of your choice
- The result: The skin is perfectly moisturised!
I prefer to use an aloe vera gel or a hydrolate, such as organic rose petal or witch hazel water (available in many organic shops or at Alnatura) as a moisturiser for facial care. For the purists among you - water from the tap will also do.
If other active ingredient serums are also used, ideally use the shea butter as the last step. And don't forget to apply sun protection during the day!
«It's better to start small and gradually apply more if necessary.»
Shea butter as a nourishing moisturiser
Every facial care routine needs a good product that moisturises and nourishes. And above all, one that locks moisture into the skin for the long term. Because our skin needs both: oil and moisture. Whether you like to get to grips with ingredients and want to try out the latest scientific achievements or are more of a purist, shea butter is the ideal moisturiser both as the last item in a well-thought-out skincare programme and as the sole ingredient. Shea butter retains moisture in the skin for up to 9 hours.
How unrefined shea butter works
Pure, unrefined shea butter contains valuable fatty and oleic acids as well as vitamin E and beta carotene, which act as antioxidants and thus protect the skin from free radicals. In addition, it is very similar in structure to our skin fat and is therefore non-comedogenic, meaning that it does not close the pores but allows them to breathe. This property is very important and means that despite its richness, shea butter is light and well tolerated and does not disrupt skin function.
Love and take care!
Sandra Gimmel
Make-up artist, beauty blogger at heypretty and owner of Kultkosmetik in St. Gallen